Readers repetitively tried and then revealed the secrets of their hearts for Ubqari. They are submitted to you for the service of millions of people.
Few Wazif which are proven: Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalam o Alaikum! Few years ago I read some Wazif from the book “Encyclopedia of Islamic Wazaif”. I tried them and found them to be superb. Whosoever I told about these Wazaif, they also narrated great benefits of the same. Then I thought as to why not make these Wazaif accessible to millions of readers as they will benefit millions and will become a Sadqa e Jaariah (eternal source of relief) for me as well. The Wazaif are as follows:
To cure weakness of vision: If someone is facing weakness of vision and cannot see clearly, practice this Amal and Insha Allah by the blessings of Allah, the weakness of vision will be cured, vision will sustain and will not deteriorate further. After offering each prayer, recite this verse three times, blow it over your fingers and gently rub them over your eyes. This verse is to be recited three times after each prayer. Continue this Amal on daily basis. The verse is:
Amal for wasp and scorpion bites: Upon being bitten by wasp and scorpion, recite Durood Shareef once and in one breath recite this verse seven times and Dum it over the effected place. Repeat this Amal three times. Do it at least three times a day. Insha Allah it will provide relief and the pain will subside. The verse is:
Amal from prevention from animals’ mischievousness: If some animal like camel or horse etc acts mischievously while riding or do not let the rider to ride, then recite this verse three times and blow it in the ear of the animal. Insha Allah, the animal will stop acting mischievous. The verse is:
Amal for remaining safe from snake’s venom: After being bitten by a snake, recite Surah e Fatiha and Ayat al Kursi once to remain safe from its poison. After this recites the four Quls three times eaxch and blow over salt. The patient should keep eating this salt and also apply it over the effected place. Insha Allah it will provide cure.
Effective Amal for opening of heart’s vessels: In addition to the above mentioned Wazaif, there is another Wazifa which is highly effective for opening of heart’s vessels. It has also earlier been published in Ubqari.
ھو الشافی: Take 1 cup juice each of lemon, ginger, garlic and apple. Mix all of them and heat over low flame for about half an hour. Then after another half an hour add three cups of honey into this fluid. When this formula is ready, recite Durood e Ibrahimi 11 times and Surah e Fatiha once and blow over the mixture. Then take three tablespoonfuls every morning prior eating anything else. Insha Allah clogged heart vessels will be cleared after use for a few days. (A person of Allah, Wah Cantt)
An unmatched proven formula for childless women: Respected Hakim Sahib! This formula produces reproductive cells in the womb.
Huwash Shaafi: Take 160 grams of Tukham Konch, 80-100 grams of Tukham Hayat and 100 grams of Tukham Sars. Grind all of them to make a fine powder and mix them and preserve in a bottle. Take a spoonful in the morning, afternoon and at night with milk. This is a course for 40 days. (Zahir Shah)
A proven Taweez for protection from Nazr e Badd (Bad eye):
For protection from disturbance due to exorcism: By reciting the following three times after every prayer, Insha Allah you will always remain protected from disturbance due to exorcism.
If a child cries then:
Write these words and hang them around the neck of the child. Insha Allah crying will stop.
For pain of belly button: Recite (Al Mominoon 18) seven times and blow. Insha Allah the pain will be eliminated.(Dr. Tanveer Khan, Islamabad)
An effective powder for stomach: Take 3 grams each of Mustagi roomi, cardamom seeds, tabasheer and make a fine powder of all of them. Use 3 to 6 grams. It is extremely beneficial for stomach’s strength. It enhances diet and is also effective for diarrhea.
Unmatched cough syrup:
Huwash Shaafi: Take 30 Unnab (Jujube), 50 lasorian (clammy cherry), 12 grams each of Khatmi, Khabazi & Gul e Banafsha, 20 figs, 36 grams of Zofa, 36 grams of Mulethi, 24 grams of Parsao Shaan and ½ kg of Misri. Except Misri, soak all the ingredients overnight in 1 litre of water. Boil it in the morning. When the water reduces to half, dissolve and filter the ingredients. Prepare a syrup by adding Misri in it. Take 36 grams of this syrup 3 times a day alongwith 60 grams of Gaozaban extract and adding a little water. In case of minor cough and cold, it is to be taken only with addition of water. This syrup is highly effective and extraordinary for cough, all types of cold weather permanent or ordinary, Pneumonia, Asthma and bronchitis. It concentrates and expels out mucus. When Zaat al Junb (Pleurisy) is neglected and cough & pain becomes old and develops wounds, this syrup shows amazing effects.
Unmatched Kushta e Sang for concretion
Huwash Shaafi: Shred 60 grams of Sang e Yahood in 1 litre of radish juice and make small pastils. Heat them over the fire of Upla (cow dung cakes), when they cool down, make a powder from them. Give about 300 milligrams with Kachi Lassi (raw buttermilk) twice a day. This Kushta is highly effective for kidney stones and gonorrhea etc.
Strengthening of stomach and heart and getting rid of hidden ailments
Make powder of 48 grams of Talmakhana, 24 grams of Tabasheer, 3 grams of Kushta Kalaee and 6 grams of cardamom seeds. Take 3 grams with Sheer Gao twice a day. Especially for those having hot temperament and suffer from weakness of vital organs, it is extremely beneficial. It concentrates semen and gives strength to stomach and heart.
Excellent formula for Parkinsonism and paralysis
Take equal quantities of Sim al Faar Safaid, Alum and Noshadar (Ammonium Chloride) and coarsely grind them. Do not make a fine powder. Then put it in a clay bowl and cover it with a tin sheet with a hole in it. Tightly seal the tin cover with mud. Put it over burning coal. When smoke starts coming out of the hole on the cover, then mix it with the help of a steel rod passing though this hole. When the smoke turns white, remove the bowl from heat. When it gets cool, grind all of the ingredients. Give it with a grain of rice, butter or cream. This formula is exceptionally effective for paralysis, facial paralysis, Istarkha, Tetanus, Khadar, Dard e Reeh (colic pains) and all types of aches. It is a special secret Kushta.
Highly effective for yellow and black Hepatitis
Huwash Shaafi: Parch Phitkiri (Alum) and grind it. On the first day take one pinch, two pinches the second day and three on the third with some curd, after three days continue taking three pinches every day. It is highly effective for yellow and black hepatitis. It often cures within a week. It has been tried uncountable times. (Ghulam Yasin Qari, Tandoadam, Sindh)
Blessings of : Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalam o Alaikum ! I had once read it somewhere that if
is written on a paper and it is tied over the head of a headache patient, his headache is cured. Once I went to my in-laws place, they said they have a child who is suffers from severe headache. Please give her some Taweez. I told them to write complete بسم اللہ on a paper and tie it around her head. The moment they tied this Taweez on her head, the headache was cured. Now if anyone who has headache, they take this Taweez from that girl and Allah blesses them. (J.R Lahore)
The effective and quickly relieving Amal of : Recite Durood Shareef 7 times each in the beginning and end of this Amal. Sit on a Musallah while facing towards Qiblah and recite
1000 times. Then get up and offer two Rakaat prayers and pray for your need. Repeat this Amal 12 times. This way
will be recited 12000 times and Prayers and Duua (paray) will be offerd 12 times in total. In Duaa, submit a need every time or maybe two or three but not more than this. This Amal is highly effective. It is not to be practiced for undue needs and neither for useless or abhorrent desires.
An effective cure for Kidney pain and stones: Take rosewater and recite this verse 41 times and Dum it over the rosewater: (). Then for 7 days, add a spoonful in a glass of water and give it to the patient. Insha Allah quick cure and amazing effects will be observed.
An effective medicine for mental weakness: Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalamo Alaikum! I have an effective medicine for curing mental weakness. For sure readers of Ubqari will be benefited with it.
Huwash Shaafi: 120 grams of Safoof Barhami, 700 grams of Pure Desi Ghee (butter oil), 12 grams each of Maghaz Khayareen, Maghaz Kaddoo (Pumpkin seeds) & Maghaz Badaam (Almonds), 60 grams of Maal Kangni, White cardamom 24 grams, 30 grams of Bootee Sankha holi, 24 grams of Satawar, 12 grams each of melon seeds, watermelon seeds & Satt Guloo and 24 grams Misri. First boil Safoof Barhami in ½ liter of water. When it reduces to ½ kilo, add desi ghee as required and continue to heat it till the water completely evaporates. Afterwards add all the ingredients and mix them well. The medicine is ready.
Advantages: It enhances memory in an amazing manner. Something read once is not forgotten for ages. It is a wonderful medicine for students, advocates and Ulema e Karam. Just use it for a few days and attain amazing results.
Dosage: Take 1-2 milligram every morning with milk prior eating anything else.
(Farooq, Muzaffar Garh)